3 Tips For Disinfecting Your Kitchen

The kitchen is one place in your home where you want to make sure that things are clean. But when it comes to the area where you prepare and eat food, cleaning doesn’t always cut it. Along with cleaning, your kitchen also needs to be disinfected regularly in order to keep your family and food safe.

To help you learn how this can best be done, here are three tips for disinfecting your kitchen. 

Get Everything Cleaned First

Before you can start with any disinfecting of your kitchen, you first need to clean the whole space

To effectively clean your kitchen, you’ll want to wipe down all surfaces and remove any debris from them. You can start with a dry cloth or paper towel to get everything off of your counter and other surfaces. Make sure you take care around any tiles to get everything off the surfaces of the tiles as well as in the grout. Then, you can use warm, soapy water to help you wipe everything down a bit more and start to get rid of some of the germs and stuck-on debris that might not have easily come off before. 

Use The Right Products For Disinfecting

When the space is clean, you can then move onto disinfecting your kitchen. 

To properly disinfect your kitchen, you have to use the right tools. Not everything that is marketed as a kitchen cleaning solution will actually disinfect surfaces. So if you’re really wanting to make sure that the area is disinfected, you’ll need to turn to things like bleach or alcohol. While you can use disinfecting products like wipes or sprays, you can also make your own disinfecting solution that you can use on the surfaces of your kitchen and then wipe everything down once it’s been allowed to sit long enough to kill the germs and bacteria. 

Make Use Of Your Dishwasher

You can disinfect other things in your kitchen by putting them in the dishwasher as opposed to using a disinfecting solution or wipe on them. 

Not only can you use your dishwasher to clean and sanitize dishes that you eat off of or use to cook, you can also put other items into your dishwasher as well if you want them to be cleaned and disinfected as well. Baby toys and other plastic or glass products that can withstand the heat and water of a dishwasher can also be effectively cleaned by running them through a washing cycle. So when you have something hard that you need cleaned and sanitized, letting the dishwasher do the heavy lifting can be a great idea. 

If you need some advice on how to best disinfect your kitchen, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you in doing this. 

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